Division V Funds and Business

The Fund and Business Sector has the goal of making Perma AGT financially independent through managing the main source of funds to become another source of funds for the development of a more productive Perma AGT. Thus, students can improve their entrepreneurial skills due to increasingly fierce competition in the world of work.

The field of Funds and Business can be a place for student development in developing entrepreneurial skills. In addition, students are able to prioritize themselves in supporting operational funds for Perma AGT activities. In this field, there is a work program that supports financial independence at Perma AGT, namely the "Perma AGT Business Unit or hiPermart". The hiPermart Business Unit is a forum that facilitates Agrotechnology students or the general public to market or promote products through social media, namely Instagram. This program provides agricultural and non-agricultural products that help make it easier for students to provide college and other needs.

Kepala Bidang : Marfu’ah Aria Wardani (2114121011)
Sekretaris Bidang: Erina Nurhidayah (2114121003)
Anggota Bidang :
1 Muhammad Kahfi Aripin (2214121064)
2 Dio Wahyu Pratama (2214121066)
3 Patrisius Deo Cahyono (2214121062)
4 Sulthon Tamam Agali (2254121008)
5 Aditya Putra Pratama (2214121045)
6 Akbar Ramadhani (2214121041)
7 Innola Febriyanti (2214121008)
8 Rosa Arum Kinasih (2214121068)
9 Nurul Hidayah (2214121032)
10 Della Anggraini (2214121075)
11 Intan Salsabilla (2214121072)
12 Dita Ardiana (2214121056)
13 Indri Dwi Febriyani (2214121100)
14 Dewi Rufaida Irianti (2214121079)

15 Rahma Putri Aulia 2214121077 AB
16 Fika Oktavia 2254121017 AM
17 Najwa Fitria 2214121003 AB
18 Suci Indah Fajar Yanti 2254121014 AB
19 Adhean Permata Riguna 2214121033 AB